



尽管还未拍摄正式孕照写真,但Sheila也总大方分享孕肚及孕中造型。 原本就是模特出身的Sheila,身材高挑,四肢线长, 孕后仍保持爱运动的习惯,维持着正面完全看不出怀孕,侧面才有明显孕肚的模样,实在让人称羡。

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How many shots does it take to have picture perfect with your pets? Apparently never! Can't believe after bursting a series of photos, we didnt even get 1 decent shot with Jups and Pito! Hahahah! But still, I'm glad we have these photos for keepsake while #babyWooLaLa is still in the tummy. Hopefully in the future, there'll be one where we are carrying all 3 of them. How? I don't know. Maybe @deon.woo will have to carry the 2 cats, or I'll have to wait for #babyWooLaLa to be big enough to carry one of them. With all 4 females in the house, @deon.woo is gonna be our only man. Totally outnumbered by all of us female warriors! Haha! It's so exciting as we inch nearer and nearer to my due date! So much excitement, anticipation, also fear, uncertainty and unknown. With the help of meditation though, I've learnt to take things one step as a time. Because nothing is within our control, thus theres no point in being anxious or trying to expect what might happen. The pregnancy is great, and I'm enjoying all the time i have with my husband now. Speaking of which, The Art of Online Dating is happening in 2 days. A webinar that I'm hosting, happening on 19 Jul, 9pm-1030pm. If you haven't got your tickets, you can click on the link on my bio to get them! While stock lasts! #sheilaloveherlife #wearethewoosim #SSpregnancyjourney #happylife #happymarriage #sheilalovesherlovenest #happinessiseasy #contentment #adoptdontshop #rescuecats #sspositivepsychology #jupswoo #PitoMonroeWoo #familyportrait #familyof5 #28weeks

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I put on mascara today to celebrate the opening of Phase 2! I'm excited that i can finally get a bit of normalcy back into my life, and start planning for some stuff that I've put on hold during CB. I can finally start swimming again, test drive for a new car, shop for baby stuff, but mostly I'm looking forward to eating a bowl of piping hot food! Frankly, i don't miss the traffic on the road, neither will i miss the air pollution. But if anything, this CB has really shown me that 'No man is an island'. We long for human touch. We need physical connection. This kind of intimacy, no matter how advance the technology is, will never be able to satisfy. For now, and for God knows how long, we wouldn't have an ideal situation that will please everybody. But i celebrate every little progress. I celebrate the joy Phase 2 brings to many. Even if this may be just temporary, it's still nice to see people feeling excited with the desire to connect again. That being said, we should be cautious when we are out. The more people there are out there, also means a higher chance of spreading the virus. Put on your mask back on after every meal and sanitize your hands regularly. With freedom comes responsibility. It is definitely our duty to be responsible. I cannot further emphasise how we Human are a bunch of very resilient and adaptable beings. We are able to alter our mindset to adjust into different situations and environment. We don't know what tomorrow's going to bring. Today, let's choose to celebrate the present, instead of worrying about the future. #sheilaloveherlife #24weeks #sspositivepsychology #ssfoodforthoughts #SSpregnancyjourney #pumasg #pregnantstyle #sneakersgirl #phase2 #singapore

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