Hayley Woo 胡佳嬑


Sheila Sim 沈琳宸

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Having this little human growing inside my tummy have brought me a new perspective towards how I look at myself as a person, a child, an adult, a mother-to-be. Like I've mentioned in a few post before. I'll be setting up a session to share about 'How does your childhood influence the way you parent?". Due to the opening of Phase 2, that session was postponed. But it turned out to be a blessing. Because in between then til now, the universe must have heard my intention of wanting to spread good. Because I've received new materials for this topic! So more to share with you! How does our childhood influences who we are today? Do you sometimes get triggered so easily by a certain topic, but u just dont know why, and it almost feels like it's out of your control! Will you parent your child the same way your parents brought you up? Do you unconsciously place your unfulfilled needs onto your child? Have you heard about the concept of 'Inner Child' before? These are some of the things i will be talking about this Sunday, 5 Jul 2020, 2pm-3pm. Please head over to the link on my bio or igstory to purchase your tickets for this session. Looking forward! And please help to spread the love!! #sheilaloveherlife #positivepsychology #innerchildhealing #25weeks #SSpregnancyjourney #ssfoodforthoughts #sspositivepsychology #wonderandwellnessco #emotionalhealing #mothertobe #pregnantbelly #alnaturale

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Chen Yi Xin 陈一心

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drink up buttercup 🥥

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Kimberly Chia 谢静仪